• Qualls v. Russell Alzheimer’s Investors, LLC d/b/a The Lantern at Morning Pointe Alzheimer’s Center of Excellence, Russell; Independent Healthcare Properties, LLC A Greenup County, Kentucky jury awarded a Circeo Law Firm plaintiff a verdict of nearly 22 million dollars following a three-week trial in October 2024. The case regarded a deceased personal care home resident with Alzheimer’s dementia who suffered at least three falls at the facility within two weeks, the first resulting in a subdural hematoma, which did not show up on initial scans at the hospital. Upon return to the personal care home, the resident began showing signs and symptoms consistent with a brain bleed but the personal care home failed to respond to same. In failing to do so, they violated their own policies and procedures, which included an extensive head-injury policy that would have required him to be seen by a doctor in response to his symptoms. By the time the facility finally responded to those symptoms and sent him to the hospital, it was too late, and he died the very next day. Evidence at trial put on display the extent to which the out-of-state corporations that owned and operated the facility were more focused more on financial outcomes than the well-being of the individuals in their facilities. The Greenup County jury held them accountable for the same, awarding both substantive compensatory and punitive damages in an effort to deter such conduct in the future. Circeo Law Firm is grateful to this family and these jurors for helping make Kentucky a safer place for the state’s most vulnerable, elderly residents.
  • Offutt v. Harborside of Madisonville, et al: A record-breaking $42 million verdict awarded to a Kentucky victim of nursing home abuse, which is the largest verdict awarded to a victim of nursing home abuse in Kentucky. The client, who was improperly attended to by staff at the facility, died due to severe dehydration, despite having a feeding tube, sustained malnutrition, pressure sores, and multiple infections.
  • Myers v. NHC Healthcare-McMinnville: Nearly $30 million verdict against a Nashville, Tennessee nursing facility, whose negligence and abuse resulted in a patient’s death. The client sustained several injuries such as a broken hip, pressure sores, urosepsis, and complications from poor hygiene, including repeatedly being left to sit in his own waste. This client’s suffering was part of larger systemic problems within the nursing home company, including their willingness to take on higher volumes of patients despite serious staffing shortages. 
  • Jones v. Elizabethtown Health Facilities, L.P. d/b/a Elizabethtown Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, et. al.: $1.1 million verdict awarded to Kentucky victim of nursing home abuse, who developed severe infections, including sepsis and colitis and also suffered a severely fractured femur after receiving medically unnecessary therapy. 
  • Substantial arbitration award to Kentucky victim of nursing home abuse who suffered falls, including one resulting in catastrophic arm fractures. 
  • An eight-figure settlement for a victim of a fire in a joint products liability and premises liability case.
  • An eight-figure settlement on behalf of a victim of electrocution from a power line.
  • A seven-figure settlement was obtained on behalf of a victim of negligent security.