Unmatched Expertise. Unmatched Results.

Our dedicated team of trial attorneys tirelessly pursues justice for our clients, holding wrongdoers accountable for the harm they have caused. Circeo Law Firm has established a reputation for providing exceptional legal representation to our clients both in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and throughout the nation. Through the passion, tenacity and talent of our legal team, we have helped obtain hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients though verdicts and settlements. The best way to learn about your legal rights is to speak with one of our trial lawyers.

Experience matters.

Lisa Circeo, the principal of Circeo Law Firm, is an award-winning trial attorney whose legal successes over the past 25 years include over $70,000,000 in verdicts recovered on behalf of victims, including the largest verdict awarded to a victim of nursing home abuse and neglect in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. She has tried cases in numerous states and her reputation for success at trial precedes her. Lisa has experienced great success in complex litigation, including but not limited to nursing home abuse and neglect cases, catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases, electrocution and fire cases, and negligent security cases, just to name a few. Her team is comprised of trial attorneys who are courtroom tested and approved, with extensive litigation experience and successful verdicts.

Our lawyers pursue justice with care, diligence, and zeal.

No odds will deter us in our pursuit of justice—and no one works harder than the team at Circeo Law Firm. Our mission is to make the world a safer place by holding corporations accountable when they endanger the public and cause injury. 

Our award-winning attorneys combine skilled and experienced advocacy with an unwavering dedication to the best result for every client, every time. Many of our attorneys have been recognized for excellence by prominent industry organizations.

When a crisis or catastrophe occurs, you need trusted counsel on your side. Our reputation for professionalism, integrity, and determination is only surpassed by our track record of success.

About Us


At a very difficult time in our family’s life. Lisa was a outstanding advocate for us. Her actions both out of the courtroom as well as in the courtroom were spot on. She has a very unique set of skills. From your first introduction to her until the issue is resolved she is beside you every step of the way and she keeps you well informed. I can’t emphasize enough how well she advocates for you and your family, and she does it extremely well.

— Glenn Meadows

I have worked with the lawyers at Circeo Law Firm for many years. They are top-notch trial lawyers in an era where less and less lawyers know how to try cases to a jury.

— Christopher Goode

Responsive and professional representation with proven results. Well suited to handle all facets of complex wrongful death, nursing home negligence and malpractice suits.

— David Stout

Recognized Nationally